Company:   Crossroads Performance Group

Choreographers:   Lisa R. Chow and Step Raptis

Performers:   Lisa R. Chow and Step Raptis

An image from years ago, long dormant in my consciousness, suddenly reasserts itself. There’s an older guy in this bar who asks the hot chick to dance, then struggles to keep up.

The premise for this piece, a paean to a couple’s enduring love, is touching, to say the least. But, intentions aside (and they do have to be put aside), dance is a physical act and a visual medium. Dancers do what they do and the audience sees what it sees. Step Raptis is clearly out of his depth here and the immediate comparison between his moves and those of the accomplished Lisa Chow only serves to bring that difference into stark relief. His participation in this couple’s tribute to each other is sincere and energetic. He’s giving it his best and clearly enjoying himself. I say, good for him and good for them! For the audience – not so much.

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